
Chimneys of Cadaqués

Chimneys of Cadaqués*

These white, pyramid-shaped

chimneys are families,

which the roofs reflect across the town,

while smoke spirals into the night sky

and disperses in the breeze

that blows from the Mediterranean Sea.

Often, while out-racing

a heavily flung winter storm,

the fishermen on their boats

can see, from a great distance,

the safety of twilight chimneys,

as they hurry back to port.

The triangular heads

and sloping shoulders

seem to huddle together,

elbow to elbow in the cold,

wearing wooly hats

and smoking.

By Anthony Walstorm

*Cadaqués is the birth place of Salvador Dalí

Publishing Credits, “Chimneys of Cadaqués”

  • Borderlines, Welshpool, Powys, Wales, 2007
  • The Listening Eye, Burton, Ohio, USA, 2006

Posted in Poems of the Mediterranean Sea.