Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1 – Introduction to the Canterbury English TEFL Course.
1. Course Syllabus.
2. Course Outline.
3. Q & A about Canterbury and the Learners.
4. Dale Carnegie’s Principles of Human Relations.
5. Professional Development Responsibilities and Support Groups.
6. Learning and Teaching Styles.
7. Grammar Test.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2 – Presentations and Explanations.
1. Context for Learning and Teaching English.
2. Making Effective Presentations.
3. Learners’ Attention & Perception.
4. Learners’ Understanding & Short Term Memory.
5. How To Give Concise Explanations.
6. Keys for Effective Instructions.
7. Observation of a Real Class.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 3 – Practice Activities and Level Tests.
1. The Function of Practice.
2. Characteristics of a Good Practice Activity.
3. Practice Techniques.
4. Practical Skills for Teaching at a Range of Levels.
5. Types of Elicitation Techniques.
6. Learners’ Cultural, Linguistic and Educational Backgrounds.
7. Level Testing.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 4 – Lesson Planning and Classroom Interaction.
1. Principles of Planning/Organisation for Effective Teaching.
2. Varying Lesson Components/ Practical Lesson Management.
3. Patterns of Classroom Interaction/Planning Specific Activities.
4. Criteria for Effective Questioning/Levels of the Cognitive Domain.
5. Group Work Vs. Individualization.
6. Evaluation of Lesson Plans/ Evaluation of the Teaching/Learning
7. Observation of a Real Class
We show you how to teach English and live in Spain.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1 – Learner Motivation and Interest & Classroom Discipline.
1. Motivations and Interests for Learning English.
2. Extrinsic/Intrinsic Motivation and Interest. The 3 E’s of Teaching.
3. Varieties of English/Literature: Some Teaching Ideas.
4. Practical Significance of Similaries/Differences Between
5. Classroom Presence and Control.
6. What Does A Disciplined Classroom Look Like?
7. Dealing With Discipline Problems.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2 – Classroom Materials and Topic Content.
1. The Use of Teaching Materials and Resources.
2. Course Book Assessment/Selection/Evaluation.
3. Reference Materials for Language Awareness.
4. Knowledge of Commercially Produced Supplementary Materials.
5. Teacher-made Worksheets and Work cards.
6. Different Kinds of Content/Cultural Awareness.
7. Observation of a Real Class.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 3 – Designing a Syllabus and Giving Students Feedback.
1. Different Types of Language Syllabus.
2. Designing a Syllabus.
3. The Nature and Function of Feedback.
4. Concepts of Assessment vs. Correction.
5. How and When to Correct Mistakes in Classes.
6. Oral vs. Written Feedback.
7. Observation of a Real Class.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 4- Younger and Older Learners.
1.What Difference Does Age Make To Language Learning?
2. Keys for Teaching Children.
3. Ways to Arouse Interest in Adolescents.
4. Questionnaires of Teen-age Learner Preferences.
5. Keys for Teaching Adults.
6. Relationship of Older Adult Learners vs. Young Teachers.
7. Teacher and Learner Language.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1 – Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary.
1. Grammatical Frameworks: Rules and Conventions.
2. Lexis: “Knowing” Words / Semantic Relationships Between
3. Grammar Practice Activities.
4. Key Strategies and Approaches for Developing Learners’
Language Knowledge.
5. What is Vocabulary and What Needs To Be Taught?
6. Presenting New
7. Ideas for Vocabulary Work in the Classroom/Vocabulary. Notebooks.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2 – Teaching Listening and Speaking.
1. What Does Real-Life Listening Involve?
2. Real-Life Listening in the Classroom.
3. Types of Listening Activities.
4. Successful Oral Fluency Practice/Communicative Language
5. Topic Vs. Task-Based Learning/Paralinguistic or Non-verbal
6. Discussion Activities/Role Play and Related Topics.
7. Oral Testing Criteria: Accuracy vs. Fluency.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 3 – Teaching Reading and Writing.
1. Purposes of Reading/Decoding Meaning.
2. Types of Reading Activities.
3. Strategies to Improve Learners’ Reading Skills.
4. English Spelling and Punctuation/Transitive Devices in Writing.
5. Tasks That Stimulate/Improve Learners’ Writing Skills.
6. Giving Feedback on Writing.
7. Written Testing.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 4- Teaching Phonology and Pronunciation.
1. What Does Teaching Pronunciation Involve?
2. The International Phonetic Alphabet/Phonetic Systems.
3. Features of Spoken English/Rhythm and Stress.
4. Why People Make Errors in Pronunciation.
5. Strategies to Improve Learners’ Pronunciation.
6. Pronunciation and Spelling/Homonyms/Homophones/Heteronyms.
7. Pronunciation Questions.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1 – Effective Technology in the Classroom.
1.Teaching with the Technology of the 21st Century.
2. Effective Use of Cassette Tapes and Recordings.
3. Effective Use of VCR’s, DVD’s, and Movies.
4. Effective Use of the Internet/Laptops and Ipods.
5. Effective Use of Video-Tapes of Learners’ Oral Presentations.
6. Utilizing Screenplays and Scripts from Television Series/Movies.
7. Effective Use of Advertising and Music Videos.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2- Business English.
1. Materials for Business English Classes.
2. Business English Vocabulary/Phrasal Verbs/Idiomatic
3. Business Cultural Awareness.
4. International Business English Meetings/ European Union vs.USA
5. Financial Business English. British vs. American English.
6. Negotiating and Selling in English.
7. Socializing on Business Trips.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 3 – The Unknown Language.
1. Guest Teacher Presenting an Unknown Language.
2. Viewing Lessons as a Learner at Ground Zero.
3. Techniques for Teaching Beginners/Insights about Language
4. Discussions about the Theory of Language Classes.
5. The Ability To Speak A Language.
6. Teaching Large Heterogeneous Classes.
7. Advanced Topics for Further Study in the Future.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 4 – Evaluations and Recommendations for the Future.
1. Questions about Internship TEFL Classes.
2. Troubleshooting Real-Life Teaching Concerns/Problems.
3. Discussions about Teacher Burn-out/Fatigue.
4. Resume Writing/Job Opportunities.
5. Marketing Oneself in the World of TEFL.
6. Professionalism/Community Work.
7. Course Evaluations and Recommendations.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1- Introduction to Course and Characteristics.
1. Course Introduction.
2. Course Objectives.
3. Course Grading and Assessment.
4. “Who are we teaching?”
5. “What are we teaching?”
6. Business English Teaching Materials.
7. Structuring Your Initial Classes With Learners.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2 – Preparing Classes For Adults.
1.Reading And Comprehension For Adults.
2. Intermediate Level Learners.
3. Upper Intermediate Level Learners.
4. Advanced Level Learners.
5. Teaching Appropriate Topics.
6. Individual Versus Group Classes.
7. Structuring Classes For Different Adult Learner Types.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1 -Characteristics.
1. Teaching Grammar.
2. Phrasal Verbs/Prepositions.
3. Collocations/Business English Idioms.
4. Practice Techniques/Activities.
5. Potential Problems in the Classroom.
6. Dealing With/Solving Problems in the Classroom.
7. Business English Class Materials.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2- Student Presentations.
1. Structuring Classes For Adults.
2. Creative Language Exercises.
3. Various Role Plays.
4. Frequently Asked Grammar Questions.
5. Vocabulary Expansion.
6. Suggested Methods for Approaching Various Topics.
7. Class Project.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1- Characteristics.
1. Structuring Business English Classes.
2. Reading and Comprehension for Business.
3. Language for Meetings.
4. Business Vocabulary. British English vs. American English.
5. Lesson Planning and Coursework
6. Using Course books
7. Flexibility/Ad Hoc Current Event Topics.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2- Student Presentations II.
1.Advanced Business Class Language Exercises.
2. Using Transitional Devices.
3. Various Role Plays.
4. The Importance of Teaching Pronunciation.
5. The Language of Negotiation.
6. Skills of Win/Win Scenarios.
7. Class Project.
Monday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1- Student Presentations III.
1. Various Role Plays.
2. Class Presentations Will Be Videotaped.
3. Watching Video-Tapes of Student Presentations.
4. Importance of Assessment/Giving Feedback.
5. Discussion of Trainee Presentations.
6. Evaluations/Improvements for Future Teaching Presentations.
7.Areas for Further Study/Research.
Wednesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2- Course Summary.
1.General Review of the Business English Course.
2. Questions about Internship Business English Classes.
3. Troubleshooting Real-Life Business English Teaching Concerns/Problems.
4. Resume Writing/Job Opportunities.
5. Marketing Oneself in the World of Teaching Business English.
6. Business English Professionalism/Community Work.
7. Course Evaluations and Recommendations for the Future.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1- Introduction to Course and Characteristics.
1. Course objectives, Outline, and Assessment Criteria.
2. Practice Body Language and Self Introduction.
3. Characteristics of Good Teachers.
4. Characteristics/Needs of Children Aged 3 to 7.
5. Setting Rules and Discipline Strategies.
6. Ways of Communicating/Ways of Encouraging.
7. Disruptive Student Profiles.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2 – Children Practice Activities.
1. The Importance of Vocabulary.
2. Examples of Vocabulary Topics when Teaching English.
3. Various Games and Activities to Use with Children Aged 3 to 7.
4. Different Ways of Using Flashcards.
5. The Importance of Songs.
6. Teaching Phonetics and its Importance.
7. Structuring Classes For Different Children Learner Types.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1- Characteristics of Children Aged 8 to 12.
1. Introduction to New Age Group of 8 to 12.
2. Characteristics/Needs of Children Aged 8 to 12.
3. Various Games and Activities to Use with Children Aged 8 to 12..
4. The Use of Video In Class/Share Games.
5. Different Activities To Use With Videos.
6. The Importance of Reading.
7. Reading Activities.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2- Teenagers and Lesson Planning.
1. Teaching Teenagers.
2. Various Games and Activities to Use with Teenagers.
3. Individual vs. Group Classes.
4. Using Course Books.
5. The Importance of Lesson Planning For Different Classes.
6. How to Write Lesson Plans For A School Year.
7. Practice Writing/Evaluation and Discussion On Lesson Plans.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1-Characteristics.
1. How To Teach Grammar To Children.
2. The Parts of Speech.
3. Third Person and Irregular Verbs.
4. Present Tenses.
5. Past Tenses.
6. Future Tenses.
7. Level Testing For Children.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2-Textbooks and Materials.
1. Evaluating Course books.
2. Canterbury Library Materials/Internet Materials.
3. How To Use Grammar Packages.
4. Creating Appropriate Practice Activities.
5. Example Practice Activities/Lesson Plans.
6. Conditionals (0, 1st, 2nd, 3rd conditionals)
7. Preparing Learners for English Grammar Exams.
Tuesday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 1- Student Presentations.
1. Performing Simulated Teaching Presentations.
2. Discussion of Each Presentation.
3. Evaluation of Each Presentation.
4. What Would You Do If…
5. Analysis of Different Class Situations.
6. Problem Definitions and Ways of Solving Them.
7. Glossary of Terms Used By Practicing ESL Teachers.
Thursday: Canterbury English TEFL Module 2- Course Summary.
1. Finish Student Presentations.
2. General Review of the Young Learners English Course.
3. Questions about Internship Young Learners English Classes.
4. Troubleshooting Real-Life Young Learner English Teaching
5. Marketing Oneself in the World of Teaching Young Learners English.
6. Community Work/Volunteering.
7. Course Evaluations and Recommendations for the Future.
1.Trainees observe various classes of expert teachers for six hours.
2. All classes are video-taped.
3. Trainees teach various classes for thirty minutes each and are
observed by both their peers and an expert trainer.
4. All classes are video-taped.
5. All classes are reviewed and all trainees are involved in
discussion/feedback sessions.
6. All classes are assessed by an expert trainer.
7. There is a final analysis session and recommendations for future
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