Canterbury English TEFL

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120 Hour Job in Madrid

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June TEFL + July & August Summer Camp

If you want to earn an accredited 120 hour TEFL certificate in June and teach in a summer camp in July & August (or July only), then this is the course for you!



You are between 18-45 years old and are from an English speaking country. 


You just want to take the TEFL course and work in a Summer camp for a month or two, but you don’t want to continue working in Madrid afterwards.



For those who want a June TEFL, a July/August Summer camp and want to continue working for the rest of the school year, please see the One Year Study Abroad (Visa) Program with TEFL and Spanish, because if you do the June TEFL you can also do a Summer Camp and work the rest of the year in Madrid under this program.



June TEFL in Madrid & Summer Camp Job

To Learn TEFL, Live & Work in a Summer Camp in Spain


If you want to earn an accredited 120 hour TEFL certificate in June and teach in a summer camp in July & August (or July only), then this is the course for you!




TEFL Program + Special Summer Camp Modules

Apart from the normal TEFL program modules, there will also be workshops on summer camp preparation. In addition, so that you are fully prepared for the camp, you will have a full day of summer camp preparation and orientation after the TEFL course and right before the camps start in Caceres.


TEFL Schedule

You are in class for five days during each of the four intensive TEFL course weeks, from Monday to Friday, starting at 9:30 am until 3 pm (Friday starts at 10am).  The morning (from 9:30 am to 12 pm) is dedicated to learning theoretical subjects that are related to teaching English as a foreign language. The afternoons (from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm) are dedicated to practicing the subjects learned in the morning.


Three TEFL Modules

There are three academic modules to the course: the TEFL theory module, the teaching business English module and the teaching children & teenager’s module.

1) The TEFL theory module is 40 hours and takes place Monday to Thursday in the mornings.

2) The Business English Practice Module is 20 hours and takes place every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

3) The Children and Teenagers Practice Module is 20 hours and takes place every Monday and Wednesday afternoons.


Two Extra TEFL Modules

There are two additional teaching modules: the practice teaching module and the real-live teaching module. This combined TEFL Practice Teaching Module is of 40 hours duration. It is divided into two equal parts of 20 hours each.

1) The Observed Practice Teaching Module.

  • – The observed practice teaching module takes place on Fridays from 10 am to 3 pm.

2) The Real-Life Teaching Module Internship.


The Paid Internship

The paid internship practice teaching module takes place in students houses in the evening or in the summer camp. This means there’s no job hunt, because you already have one!


The course comes with a job. We can do this because we are an English Academy and hire ALL of our TEFL students. You are hired and sign a contract during the first day of the course (if you wish). If you are accepted into the program, you have the prestigious Canterbury English International TEFL Certificate at the end of the course, and a job that starts during the course or in the case of the summer camp, you graduate on Friday and start the summer camp on Monday.


Summary TEFL Course

To conclude, the TEFL course is comprised of 40 hours of learning theory in the mornings. This encompasses lesson planning, role plays, presentations, peer teaching, critiques and much more.

  • – In the afternoons 40 hours of Business and Childrens Modules.
  • – On Fridays 20 hours of observed practice classes.
  • – In the evenings (from 3rd or 4th week onwards), 20 hours of paid internship practice.
  • – In July & Aug, Teaching in a Summer Camp.
  • – And for those who stay for the school year (See one year program), out in the field in real-life homes with adults and children and in real-life companies with business students in a corporate Spain setting. 
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June TEFL + Summer Camp Program Cost Details:

1.675€ (1375€ TEFL Course Price + 300€ Summer Camp Placement)



In the Summer Camps You Earn

1.     You earn 2.400€, if you do 4 two-week sessions during the two months. Each two-week session pays 600€ during July and August. Note: Some years, 4 sessions are offered and others 3 sessions.

2.     If you do 4 sessions and earn 2.400€ – 1.675€ = 725€. You have paid for your program, had an amazing summer and earned 725€.

3.     If you do 3 sessions and earn 1.800€ – 1.675€ = 125€. You have paid for your program, had an amazing summer and earned 125€.



1.     There is a limited number of paid positions in the summer camps and this varies from year to year, however for many people who do our program, they are willing to start out as a volunteer for the first two-week session in July. Usually this means that because of their excellent work, when one of the 120 monitors in our 12 camps drops out of the program (about 10% do every year) or doesn’t work out and is let go, the backup volunteer replaces that person and is paid from that day on.

2.     This sometimes occurs from day one onwards (an English monitor who was supposed to arrive, for some reason, doesn’t make it) and the volunteer takes over the paid position immediately.

3.     In most cases, by the end of the two weeks the volunteer is now slotted into a paid position, especially at the beginning of the second two-week session.

4.     Working as a volunteer is also a great way to get the experience if you are unsure of yourself at the beginning (this means no pressure on you) and once you know the ropes, you ease into the paid position, much more confident now that you know what you’re doing. The volunteer position is an excellent way to get up to speed, practice your Spanish, see how everything’s done, under the wing of another camp monitor.   



We always sign you up initially for the paid position, and in the case that the paid positions are filled, then you would be signed up as a volunteer, ready to take over a paid position, if and when it comes up.  


This means that no matter what, you’ll be living your aspirations of working in a Summer Camp in a lovely village in the province of Caceres, surrounded by the rolling country side of Extremadura, under olive tree shade with Spanish bulls placidly pasting in the fields, long before the bull ring and “Corrida de Toros” that you might be a spectator at. And in the next field is the black Iberian pig, eating acorns and fattening under the oak trees, waiting to become the delicious “Jamón, Jamón” that you’ll be eating as a tapa in a local bar with a “tinto de verano” or a “clara” in hand, along with your colleague monitor friends from your camp, thinking, Wow… thanks to Canterbury English, I’m actually living the dream!!

What’s Included and What’s Not for Both Paid and Volunteer Positions

Food and lodging expenses are included in July and August in the Summer Camp, but not travel expenses to Spain, nor bus to Caceres, nor food and lodging in Madrid. Most people stay in a shared Airbnb and shop in the local market, others rent a room for a month, others stay in a hostel for 15€ a night and the ones without budget constraints stay in hotels.


Canterbury English Summer Camp Details


ESL Camp Instructor

This summer, Canterbury English invites you to join our Summer Camps as an ESL instructor for an English immersion program for Spanish kids in SPAIN, in the beautiful Spanish province of Extremadura.


How to Get Here

You would fly to Madrid (you’ll need your passport and you will receive a three-month European Schengen tourist visa stamp in the airport) and take a bus to Caceres, where you would be picked up and taken to one of our 12 Summer Camps in different villages of Extremadura.


The Two-Week Sessions

Each summer camp is two weeks long and you are with the same kids and teenagers for those two weeks. After two weeks, the kids leave on a Saturday and the new group of kids arrive on a Sunday afternoon. Sometimes you stay in the same camp for all the two-week sessions and sometimes you are sent to another camp in a different, but nearby location.


There are 3-4 two-week summer camp sessions during July and August that cover a total of 6 or 8 weeks. You can choose to teach between one to four sessions. However, your continuation in the summer camp after the first two-week session will depend on your performance.


Summer Camp Orientation Day
You will travel to the summer camp on the Saturday before it starts, have a one-day ESL instructor’s orientation on Sunday and start on Monday morning (usually the first Monday in July). 

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Activities You Will be Running
With the other instructors and camp coordinators, you will be leading the children and teenagers in English activities in the mornings, such as indoor arts and crafts, presentations on culture, in the afternoon, sports and games in the outdoors, hiking and trekking, bathing and games in swimming pools and rivers with natural pools, and in the evening, music, drama, dressing up with costumes and talent shows. If you have a particular skill, such as playing the guitar, singing, crafts making, playing any other instrument, juggling, etc, then this will be very welcome.


Daily Schedule

The camp is all day, from breakfast at 9 am in the morning until bedtime at night, but there is time to rest during the day, because there are many instructors and you take turns for breaks and siestas. Wednesday is excursion day where you accompany the kids to a nearby world heritage site and learn the history and see the sites, guiding the children.


Expand your Horizons with Canterbury English

Working in a summer camp with us in Spain is an amazing experience and provides a unique opportunity to travel, expand your horizons, practice a new language, put your personal skills into practice, meet new people from different cultures and make new friends.



Canterbury is a real, bona-fida home away from home for you, because once you are on board, we will take care of you from A to Z. 


You can also obtain your TEFL Spain Madrid certificate with us.


Join us this summer and make yours unforgettable! 

22 years teaching
  1. 1. Check out our Canterbury English TEFL Brochure.
  2. 2. Email Richard Clarke, the founder and director of Canterbury English and ask your heart away!! Richard is a UCSB (University of California Santa Barbara) graduate, from Los Angeles, California, who’s living the dream and who wants to share it with you, so email him at
  3. 3. When you’re nice and ready, you can complete our Canterbury English International TEFL program application and email it to Richard. He will personally review it and notify you within about two weeks if you have been accepted into the program. If you are, congratulations, the dream is about to become true!
  4. 4. After you have been accepted, you and Richard can set up a Skype session together. This is when you can ask all the questions that your heart desires (make a list before), so that you are fully confident about coming to Madrid to share the next amazing and super fun chapter of your life with us!
  5. 5. When you get the acceptance email (always think positive!), then it’s time to pay the non-refundable deposit of 300€.
  6. 6. This deposit is your passport to SUNNY SPAIN, MARVELOUS MADRID & an EXCITING, LOVELY LIFE with the Canterbury English Study Abroad Program and Guaranteed Teaching Job (for all students) WITH US (that’s the key), which starts during the Course!!!
  7. 7. No organization in Spain can beat this offer. It’s the best value for money. It’s less  expensive than all the other programs. It’s the only one that gives a GUARANTEED JOB to ALL its graduates WITH US. And it’s the only one that you can go on field trips or pub nights once a month and shot the breeze over a drink with the founder!
  8. 8. It’s a no-brainer!! Canterbury English is the ONE & ONLY! The ORIGINAL! And it’s all yours for a steal!
  9. 9. Great opportunities like this one only come up a few times in your life. Don’t miss it. We will take care of you and ease you into this new, incredible life! Sign Up Now!




We would just like to add that no other TEFL organization has the capability of preparing you for ESL teaching in Spain as the Canterbury English International TEFL Certificate Program does! You will learn to the tools of the trade on our TEFL courses abroad program.


At Canterbury English, we believe in a Learn by Doing approach, in a Pay for Doing style. It’s just the good old American way: you’re doing it for the fun, for the adventure, and FOR THE MONEY!

Duration 4 Weeks
ELIGIBILITY: College Degree or Equivalent (some acceptions), EU or Non-EU passport
apply now

There are many ways to learnHow to Apply

  • 1 registration ico - June TEFL + July & August Summer Camp

    Email for Info

    Email Richard ( and he will send you the information you need to decide if this is for you.

  • 2 doc ico - June TEFL + July & August Summer Camp

    Fill out Application

    After you have read the information and are familiar with our organization, we will send you an application form.

  • 3 get start ico - June TEFL + July & August Summer Camp

    Application Decision

    After you have completed your application and sent it to us, within 3-5 days it will be reviewed and a decision will be made.

Alumini Testimonials

  • I would like to share with you my experiences in teaching English at Canterbury English in Madrid. I am from the Philippines and have been living in Madrid for 8 years now and I never expected to become an English teacher.Read more

    Joy Samson, EEUU
  • I am someone who has become a professional English teacher with Canterbury English and I look on this as a full time career. No doubt about it, there are unfortunately other less than reputable schools and TEFL courses out there who are all too happy to take your money, farm you out to fend for yourself, as well as leaving you unprepared for the realities of teaching. Read more

    Christopher A. Wilson, EEUU
  • I have graduated with a TEFL certificate from Canterbury English in the month of January, 2010. When I look back at my time with them, I see it as one of the most pivotal points in my whole career and also in my life.Read more

    Erin Rock, EEUU
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