Here is a general idea of the different neighborhoods in Madrid. This depends on you and your tastes and what you are familiar with. For example, you may prefer the more exclusive and classy upscale Barrio de Salamanca right next to the city center, where the Canterbury HQ is located. This is definitely for the preppy. On the other hand, you may want to immerse yourself in popular Madrid: Lavapies (hippy and cool), Sol (ground zero España), Anton Marin (Artsy with lots of colorful cafes and bars), Rastro (home to the flea market), Opera (classy and next to the royal palace), Gran Via (the ultimate in fashion) or Malasaña (party town) are all great places to live. If you haven’t come with your other half, then you may want to look for a place together with your now good friends from the Canterbury English program. Often the job that you have is either all over the city, or in one area, such as the outskirts of Madrid. If it is in the outskirts, then you may want to live closer to work and rent is cheaper in these suburbs. If you are working all over city, then think about your choice of home as being the hub, which is the center of a wheel. The spokes of the wheel are the trajectories that you have to make to travel to your different jobs and the center is the hub, your home. So living in the center of the city (in one of the barrios mentioned earlier) makes it easier to travel to and from classes and to have a siesta after your early morning 8 am tutorial (you’re raising your eyebrows in disbelief, but we’re serious, cause we’ve all done it and on a regular basis!), especially on a Friday morning and after a Thursday Pub Night with our Canterbury Party Club.